Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Up the mountain

La Creusaz, Switzerland
My summer landlords in the Swiss Alps are always inviting me up for drinks and meals and occasionally I like to return the favor. However, I am not big on cooking and certainly not the roasts, fresh salad and potatoes au gratin they often offer me. So, what to do? Ah ha - light bulb idea yesterday as the weather was glorious and the gondola to La Creusaz is now open for the summer season: I’ll invite them for lunch up in the new restaurant. Invitation tendered and accepted, we had only to hope that the weather would be amenable (this summer is very much and up and down affair, one day summer, the next back to winter – imagine the heating is still on and it is the beginning of July!).

We awoke to acceptable conditions so caught the 11:30 ride up. It was a big deal as I hadn’t realized until then that it is the first time that the husband has been up since last September: he is 83 and has had a few heart problems this year – now on the mend thankfully. 

Anyway we first had drinks with a nephew and his wife, then our meal: if she chose the cheese toast, both he and I decided to savor the kangaroo cooked on slate. It was copious; it was delicious; we were stuffed!
Kangaroo steak
Looking towards Mont Blanc

Coffee and back down the mountain for a wee siesta to digest – a lovely meal with lovely people: and the weather has now turned, rain any minute.

Sometimes one has to just Carpe Diem.

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