Sunday, November 10, 2013

It’s raining, it’s pouring…

The Old Man was not snoring, nor was the lady of the house.

Thor – or whoever controls the skies was sending out his bolts and thunder to make sure that we all knew that he had arrived.

Thought I heard a bit of hitting on metal (hail?) so went to check and see what was happening: waterfall in the winter garden… yet again.

And, of course, the cleaning lady had just cleaned the carpets that very afternoon!

Not as bad as in former years, but this time I had no one to run for towels or to laugh with me. Did finally realize that it was just over the main entry door so rolled out the awning to protect the gutter, sopped up what I could: rung the towels out – again as I could  - currently having no washing machine; put them in the dryer to be able to continue soaking up the access water.
Yesterday convinced younger son to come home with me (o.k. so he also wanted to transfer some surplus boxes of books, etc. back to the common storage room at my house) and help 1) clean out the gutters 2) hose them out well to make sure that all was flowing well and 3) re-install the three panels that I still had from my cousin’s ingenuous protection job of three years ago, with duct tape.

We are kind of ready for the next downpour.

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