Thursday, February 4, 2016


So is there unco in my life?
In one sense not so much these days – after all when one isn’t out and about as much as usual, how could there be? In another – tons.

But there have been unco events especially with the weather: more the Ides of March than either January or February.

And unco, I have met so many new people, albeit all bent on one thing, either dressing me or undressing me as I have had the assistance of a fine institution “home care help”.
One doesn’t necessarily want to experience their fine care, but I am every so grateful to live in a country where such exists.

Give  up?

It was the word of the day a few days back and I just couldn’t resist: will it remain in my vocabulary? Probably not, but I did enjoy the fun of a weird sounding new word.

adjective: Unusual; remarkable; strange.
adverb: Remarkably; extremely.
noun: 1. A stranger. 2. News.

It also led me to a vocabulary site:
I aced the first two quizzes – yes – something to add to, but not replace, the Reader’s Digest vocabulary quizzes!

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