Monday, April 2, 2018

Marshes and wanderings

Easter is my favorite holiday here in Geneva as we have both Good Friday and Easter Monday as official holidays giving us a whole 4-day weekend!
If on Friday I managed to catch up a bit on paper work and on Saturday I spent a lovely part of the middle of the day with friends in Féchy eating at another friend’s restaurant, Sunday, April 1st was dedicated to simply going with the flow.

Amongst other things that flow took me on a walk in one of my favorite areas: “it was a miracle” as I have heard said – the sun was out! The marshes after this wet winter are full and almost overflowing the boardwalk in some areas, still lovely to be out and about.

Today, the 2nd was spent in another of my favorite activities: getting a bus pass and simply wandering. Weather dry if not brilliantly sunny so did end up at the Botanical Gardens where some of the flowers and trees are finally starting to bloom, but also dipped into the cathedral near the train station (organ) then after lunch took the number 15 tram to its’ end. During the return changed and hopped on the 18 to CERN – and back – before catching a 2 back to where I had left the car in the underground parking lot near the yacht club.

An inexpensive and lovely way to spend a day.
Also enhanced by the memory of another friend and such wanderings.

Notre Dame, Geneva
some of the rhodes are already in bloom

On the gray wall of the BIT, Geneva

Botanical Gardens in Geneva - finally a glimpse of spring

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